

一拖再拖,《Kennis homelife 詩生活》終於開張啦!
基於我對網頁製作是有點遲鈍,所以雖然只改動原有的blog template,但也忙了好些日子。要多謝我的好友百忙中幫忙,改寫及刪除不必要的 hyperlinks,免得我繼續為可怕的 javascript 而頭痛和發惡夢。Thank you Annie, for fixing up the scripts, I wish you could read Chinese and hope the google translator can translate the content as close to original as possible.

因為都不是專業製作,所以所有相片插圖都出於我手或家中另兩位成員;希望那粗糙感反而帶給你一種家的感覺。也請多多包涵我只有小學程度的中文...哎喲, 我會當心錯別字喔!

2 留言:

Glad i could help out.
You've done a great job with the blog layout & photos.

since your blog is abt home life and design, i actually think it works well to source photos and pictures from the two boys, it's more real, adds to the overall feel/content and shows off the artistic talent in your family of 3 :)

i also give google 7.5/10 for the translation 8P ..now if it could only translate the 2 buttons in order to post this comment!


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